Manihi is what you imagine if you lived a simpler life as a castaway in your own island paradise. It’s a tropical fantasy where the Mana spirit thrives around the crystal-clear lagoon. Manihi’s waters make an incredible place to explore as they’re blessed with the perfect temperature, brightness, density and salinity to grow one of the South Pacific’s most precious treasures – the black pearl.

Dive sites in Manihi

There’s a lot to take in and admire when you’re swimming in Manihi’s lagoon with its brilliant coral reefs, sealife, and warm crystal-clear waters.

Requin gris © Grégory Lecoeur

Turipaoa Pass

This is the only pass in the atoll where you’ll witness the grace and beauty of the manta rays. Here experienced divers can drift along with the current as if surfing underwater. The dive takes place at a depth of 25 meters (80 feet). Plus, if you’re lucky enough to be here in June, you can watch thousands of groupers migrate to breed.

The Circus

For those privileged divers with the experience to handle The Circus’ rough waters, there’s the opportunity to witness something quite special. At its entrance where the current is at its strongest, you may just see the incredibly rare and majestic ballet of the manta rays.

Rencontre avec une raie manta© Denis Grosmaire


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Manihi is a jewel in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, with treasures to be discovered beneath the waves and on the atoll itself.

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Vue aérienne sur l'atoll de Tetiaroa © Tahiti Tourisme

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